See How Small Contributions Make a Big Difference

Our scholars work hard and do their very best all semester long. We take to heart their day-to-day needs, and seek to support them through all the practical demands of college. 

With your help, our girls and young women will have access to warm nutritious food, mental health support, rain gear and coats that protect them from winter storms, school supplies from computers to pencils, and dorm room essentials that make for a cozy space to study and to sleep safely at night.

Yes, tuition bills and room and board make up an important part of our support but, with even a small contribution, you can help us directly address our scholars' basic needs and quality of life concerns, and help them feel confident and cared for.

Our scholars thank you!


Join with Us to Celebrate GivingTuesday, Nov. 29th


Phew, We Survived Midterms!