News, Notes & Talk
How First-Generation Students Learn
Picture this: It’s the first day of college, and as you navigate the maze of unfamiliar buildings and decipher a syllabus filled with terms like “office hours” and “prerequisites,” a thought creeps in – “Am I supposed to know how to do this already?” If you’re a first-generation college student, the answer is often no.
First-generation students – those whose parents didn’t attend college – are stepping into an entirely new world, often without a roadmap. Many of our PowHERful scholars have seen for themselves the unique and unexpected challenges faced by first-generation students. Yes, they bring resilience, ambition, and fresh perspectives to the classroom – but how they manage these unforeseen hurdles will make the difference ….
The Value of Sustainable Giving
Hey there, PowHERful Foundation supporters! 🌟
We hope you’re doing well and staying safe. We wanted to take a moment to chat with you about something we’re seeing a lot of in the nonprofit world — something that affects not just organizations but the people who care about them: sustainable giving. It’s an important topic, and we thought it would be good to share it with you.
Lately, there’s been a big shift in how nonprofits raise money. Many are starting to lean more and more on just a few major donors instead of relying on a wide base of supporters like you ....
Broadening Access to Higher Learning in 2025
We’ve welcomed 2025; the holiday celebrations are barely behind us. And now we face truly sobering questions about the future of American education. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies are under attack; the incoming president and his administration are vowing to wipe out federally funded diversity programs, remove protections for Q+ students, and eliminate the federal oversight and funding that support programs designed to assist low-income students. They threaten to jettison the Department of Education. Going forward, what can we expect?
In view of this daunting forecast, recent results from New America’s Varying Degrees survey provide some encouragement about how Americans view diversity.
Bringing Light
In this darkest time of year, we light candles and string sparkling lights on trees, reminding each other that brighter days will come. It is comforting to come together with friends, family, and community to nurture closeness, kindness, and mutual support — and to celebrate our resilience!
In this spirit, we bring you the story of a nursing assistant and PowHERful scholar who, at 41, is working to bring more light to the world. Over the past number of years, she's found that caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients is ever more critical and is particularly meaningful to her. “I’ve learned wound care skills, critical thinking skills, end-of-life skills, how to implement care plans, how to create activities to adapt to changing physical needs, to be a shoulder to cry on, to be a keeper of memories…
PowHERful Gratitude
The PowHERful Foundation joins with Soledad O’Brien to express our gratitude this Thanksgiving not just for the many successes of our scholars but also for you, the individuals who care. We are in deep appreciation for your generosity as donors and mentors, as well as your ongoing empathy and kindness.
Your support helps PowHERful scholars—girls and young women striving to fulfill their goals—earn their degrees. Your thoughtfulness inspires them to pursue meaningful careers and contribute to the larger community we all share.
We wish you, PowHERful scholars, alumni, and generous supporters a Happy Thanksgiving!
Sukanya Ferguson, Change Agent
Growing up in Brooklyn with the unwavering support of an attentive mother, PowHERful scholar Suki Ferguson excelled in school. “Through my mom,” she says, “I learned the value of perseverance and resourcefulness. I felt empowered to aim high and navigate spaces where resources were abundant, though not always accessible to everyone.” Suki was selected for a highly competitive public high school, an academic environment that sensitized her further to the disparity of opportunities available to different groups. She saw clear evidence that “marginalized communities often have to work twice as hard just to gain entry into these spaces.”….
A Diploma in Resilience
PowHERful scholars told us they like the word 'Resilience.' They like what it means: Strength that bounces back. And they agree: Resilience is learned the hard way, from experience and from surviving the worst. In college, with so many challenges coming on at once, much of what is learned goes beyond academics. There's a tidal wave of organizational conundrums, financial straits, social stresses, and relationship upsets. Scholars are forced to face their deepest insecurities and weaknesses. Every PowHERful scholar can look back and trace her arduous path to developing resilience; two have generously shared their stories here....
The Wisdom of One Day at a Time
Paw K’mwee is taking things day by day: life, she knows, is unpredictable. Paw saw this as a child, when she was uprooted with her family from Burma by sectarian violence and escaped across the mountains to Thailand. For years, the family lived in a refugee camp. And then one day, when Paw was eleven, she and her family left the camp and came to the U.S. Everything in this country—the environment, the language, the culture—was foreign to them. In every direction lay obstacles to surmount. Paw knew it would take relentless hard work to learn to navigate this new reality….
A Personal Letter Says a Lot
Today, we’d like to share the passionate, full-hearted letter that Naina wrote to PowHERful’s founder after receiving her diploma:
Dear Soledad O'Brien,
I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support provided by your foundation. I recently graduated from the University of Connecticut, an achievement made possible solely through your generous assistance. Coming from a refugee background, the dream of attending college often seemed out of reach….
Reflections on College at Graduation: Naina Mishra
Who knows what the future might bring? For PowHERful scholar Naina Mishra, who spent her childhood in a Bhutanese refugee camp in Nepal, this year brought a B.A. in Economics from the University of Connecticut. It was almost eleven years ago that Naina arrived with her family in the U.S. As she faced the daunting challenges of learning a new language and adjusting to a different culture, Naina held tight to her dream of attending college.
Surmounting Barriers: Women of Color in STEM (Part II)
In our last post, we presented four inspiring women of color who surmounted barriers to make essential contributions to science and technology. Introduced by PowHERful ambassador Deshawna Henry at a recent presentation, these women have reason to be better known. Here, we introduce four more: Mary Beatrice Kenner, Isabella Aiona Abbott, Dr. Patricia Bath, and Christine Darden.
Surmounting Barriers: Women of Color in STEM, (Part I)
Behind the scenes, brave women of color work to improve life for those around them. This has been true throughout history, as power structures have long created barriers to opportunities for women—especially women of color. At a recent conference of leaders and educators, PowHERful ambassador Deshawna Henry inspired her audience by featuring examples of women of color who, in the face of these barriers, have made unique contributions in STEM fields.
Our PowHERful Black History
We’re surrounded every day with manifestations of the importance of Black history. Yet just one month a year, in February, we celebrate its importance. This February, PowHERful sent alumna Deshawna Henry to New Orleans to share a celebratory Black history message at a premier gathering of education practitioners and thought leaders.
Celebrating Our PowHERful Year
Happy New Year to all our PowHERful friends! We’re bursting with gratitude for all our supporters helped us achieve this past year. With so much to celebrate and so many to honor, we’re recapping here the journeys of PowHERful scholars and mentors that we’ve shared over the past year. May the passion, creativity, and resilience embodied here inspire us to all we can make possible in 2024!
Compassionate Leadership: A Conversation with Dr. Patsy McNeil
Through resilience, unexpected twists and ceaseless determination, Dr. Patsy McNeil is living an extraordinary odyssey. From childhood dreams of unearthing dinosaur fossils to saving lives in the ER, from mission work among the poorest in Haiti to a pivotal role in healthcare, Dr. McNeil has fearlessly challenged conventions and fully embraced the unexpected. Now, with unwavering devotion, Dr. McNeil advocates for a more inclusive world—for diversity, empowerment, and the boundless potential of every young woman.
Mentorship Beyond Guidance
In our previous post we introduced Kim, Sheba, and Tassion and their PowHERful intergenerational mentorship. Kim Bondy, an award-winning journalist with years of success in senior management, has supported PowHERful Foundation since its inception. Sheba Turk, with the assistance of a PowHERful scholarship and Kim’s mentorship, completed her college degree and now works as a TV news anchor and reporter in Los Angeles. Tassion Minor, a recruiter for Stifel Financial Corp., got a solid start in her profession through the help of her mentor Sheba, and the support of Kim Bondy and PowHERful Foundation’s founder and on-going mentor Soledad O’Brien. Their story continues….
PowHERful Ties – An Intergenerational Mentorship
Mentorship is often seen as a journey where experienced individuals guide and support those who are just starting their careers. Yet, sometimes, these mentor-mentee relationships evolve into something deeper, more meaningful and enduring. In the case of Kim Bondy, Sheba Turk, and Tassion Minor, mentorship has extended far beyond guidance in practical matters, creating bonds that have become much like those of family.
Soledad O’Brien introduced Kim Bondy to PowHERful in its early days, and she became one of the foundation’s first mentors. By age 30, Kim had achieved a number of personal career goals working in broadcast news….
A Journey of Empowerment and Belonging
My name is Ariana Luz Quiñones, but these days I mostly go by Ariluz—it’s a name that suits me. Born in the Bronx and raised in White Plains, New York, I'm a proud Queer and Trans Puerto Rican. My story is a testament to the impact that a perceptive leader and her caring community can have helping a young person thrive. Through the support of Soledad O’Brien and the PowHERful Foundation, I’ve come to embrace my identity, to flourish in college, and to see my way to a fulfilling career of leadership where I can help empower other young people.
Growing up, I always knew I was different. From my energetic childhood to my bold decision to chop off my hair at the age of four, I wasn't afraid to express myself….
How Therapy Helps Scholars
A PowHERful scholar shares with us how therapy has made a difference in her life:
“Therapy is a privilege I have been afforded many times in my life. I’ve had 9 therapists since I was 18. This number shocks me because it’s possible I’m leaving out therapists I worked with and blotted out of my memory.
My first therapist counseled me through depression and anxiety. I worked with her and a psychiatrist to see if medication would be helpful.
My second therapist counseled me through sexual assault.
My third and fourth therapists helped me understand my identity as a college student.
My fifth therapist helped me deal with the grief of losing my father….
The Circuitous Path to My College Degree
My first semester at college, I became homeless.
I got my idea of college from movies I’d seen—movies like Legally Blonde, 22 Jump Street, House Bunny, Accepted, and Animal House—so I was not prepared for how different my own college experience would be. It had all started off well enough: I quickly made friends, I joined clubs, and even performed poetry and dance as if I was a Bardon Bella from Pitch Perfect. My off-campus housing situation appeared suitable, secure and rent was affordable—one of my roommates even attended Susquehanna University with me! But suddenly our renter had an emergency and we were literally left without a roof over our heads….